About Organisers
Hi, we are Osaka Blockchain Week team, our members are from Kickback (No "no-show" event management system), ex-OmiseGO, Osaka coworking spaces (Singularity Hive and The DECK), and Xtheta (One of the crypto exchange companies registered in FSA in Japan). We find that local knowledge and information are difficult to access by non- Japanese, so we would like to support projects to host events in Osaka around Devcon 5, this October. Our support includes introduce venues, arrange catering, sending operation staff and so on.

What is the event scope of Osaka Blockchain Week calendar?
Our event listing scopes are those held in Kinki region (accessable distance from Osaka) before, after and during Devcon 5.
Do I have to use Kickback to be added into the calendar?
No, the use of Kickback is not mandatory.
Do I have to pick venues from your hosts to be added into the calendar?
No, if you already have a venue, use it by all means. We are only here to help in case you haven't decided where to host.
Are all venues free?
It depends on the venue.
How do we contact you guys?
The easiest way to get in touch with us is through Telegram channel
Special thanks
This site is the fork of the last year's Prague Blockchain Week event calendar. Special thanks to Josef Jelacic for allowing us to reuse his codebase and Carlos E. Salazar of Berlin Blockchain Week which Josef forked from.
We also would like to thank DevCon5 team for selecting Osaka for DevCon5. We are thrilled to welcome you and all the guests from around the world!